King Lear (Graphic Shakespeare) (Shakespeare Graphic Library)

Category: Books,Comics & Graphic Novels,Graphic Novels

King Lear (Graphic Shakespeare) (Shakespeare Graphic Library) Details

About the Author Ian Pollack has contributed illustrations to virtually every English magazine, and in the United States to Esquire, Playboy, Rolling Stone, and more. Mr. Pollack spent a full year on the art for King Lear.WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) wrote 37 plays. King Lear and Macbeth are widely considered his finest and most popular. They are, perhaps, the most frequently produced works on the planet. Read more


First off, King Lear has always been my favorite play, followed closely by Othello and After The Fall. I like comic books, but I'm skeptical of the "Illustrated Classics" approach. So I was a bit leery buying this (pun unintended, but not bad).It's fantastic. The art is lovely and has a timeless, surreal quality. The stylizations only enhance it. Especially watch the Fool: he's always been one of the best of Shakespeare's characters, and the capering, size-changing, conjuring presence Ian Pollock has granted him lifts him above and beyond. This artist knows what he's doing and is worth watching.As for the writer: well, I know he's got name-recognition, but people often wonder if he's any good. But this Shakespeare guy, I think he's got potential. I mean, the slant rhyme and Jedi syntax bugs me sometimes, but otherwise, he has skills worthy of his art.

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